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5-3: Test everything

After your Pocket Node is running, you'll want to test it. The following are some of the things you can do to test your Pocket Node.

Make sure the Pocket process is running

The first thing to check is that the pocket service is running. You can do that by running the following command:

top -b -n 1 | grep pocket

You should see output similar to the following:

  44871 root      20   0 1018268  33948  21448 S   0.0   0.4   0:00.17 pocket

Next you'll want to check that the node is fully synced with the Pocket blockchain.

Block Height

You can check to see if your node is fully synced a few ways. The easiest way is to run the following command:

pocket query height

The result should look something like the following.

"height": 48161

Network Status

Another way to see if your node is fully synced is to check the status with the following command:


The result should look something like the following. Note the highlighted property catching_up which indicates if the node is catching up with the blockchain or fully synced. In example below, the node is fully synced.

"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": -1,
"result": {
"node_info": {
"protocol_version": {
"p2p": "7",
"block": "10",
"app": "0"
"id": "80b80c106115259349df8ef06267cff7bbabd194",
"listen_addr": "tcp://",
"network": "mainnet",
"version": "0.33.7",
"channels": "4020212223303800",
"moniker": "localhost",
"other": {
"tx_index": "on",
"rpc_address": "tcp://"
"sync_info": {
"latest_block_hash": "F39BBF5C64D9E02E28DDBB8640F84A22CFAE1727CFBC72537982EF5914E4BB25",
"latest_app_hash": "6198835747411135C1F812CB45FA5621D5ADB63342EC0678C20879D7D39F03B5",
"latest_block_height": "50021",
"latest_block_time": "2022-02-04T12:16:10.77575197Z",
"earliest_block_hash": "7D551967CB8BBC9F8C0EAE78797D0576951DDA25CE63DF1801C020478C0B02F8",
"earliest_app_hash": "",
"earliest_block_height": "1",
"earliest_block_time": "2020-07-28T15:00:00Z",
"catching_up": false
"validator_info": {
"address": "80B80C106115259349DF8EF06267CFF7BBABD194",
"pub_key": {
"type": "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",
"value": "ee+o9bKqCbAO13FgWTLmJdi9hhfYg8AHsif5430uz8A="
"voting_power": "0"

These commands let you know the node running and connected to the network but you'll also want to make sure your node is accessible other nodes.

Make sure your node is visible to other nodes

To test and confirm you node is visible to other nodes on the public network, you'll make an HTTP request using the public DNS name for the node. You can use the following command to make that request. Just change the yourhost and yourdomain to the correct values.


This should return something like the following. This is the version of pocket-core that is running.
