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Tendermint TCP

On the public network you can test that the Tendermint TCP ports are listening for connections using the nz or telent utilities.

The command for nz is nz -p <port>. The command for telnet is telnet <host> <port>. Here are some examples.

NOTE: Use the public IP address of the node and the port 26656 - not like in the examples below.

# nc -z -v 26656
Connection to 26656 port [tcp/ssh] succeeded!

If the port is not open, you'll get an error like the following.

# nc -z -v 26656
nc: connect to port 26656 (tcp) failed: No route to host

Or with telnet you can use the following command to test the ports.

telnet <public-dns-name> 26656

If port is accessible, you should see something like the following.

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.

If the port is not accessible, you should see something like the following.

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused