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RPC Endpoints

Pocket uses a software called Tendermint for data replication and consensus. More specificity, Pocket uses the Go version of Tendermint Core.

Tendermint uses an RPC interface to communicate with the nodes. The RPC interface is used to query nodes for information. So for testing purposes, we can use the Tendermint RPC interface to verify a node is correctly configured and running.

Here is a list of commands that can be used to test the RPC interface.

  • curl - This will return the current health information.
  • curl - This will return the current status information.
  • curl - This will return the current network information.
  • curl - This will return the current blockchain information.

These are all informational commands and you should see a response from each command. These commands are all run on the terminal of the node (localhost). To test on the public network you'll need to connect to the Tendermint TCP port.
