09: ScrollView Components
Join Alexa Champion Mark Tucker as he discusses how to make your screen scroll when there are more child components than there is available height with the non-visual ScrollView Component in Alexa Presentation Language's (APL).
A ScrollView wraps a single child component and responds to manual scrolling. ScrollView has an onScroll event and can be controlled by 3 commands: Scroll, ScrollToComponent, and ScrollToIndex.
If you would like to follow along, please use this APL Ninja Link: https://apl.ninja/document/MarkTucker...
APL ScrollView Documentation: https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/do...
APL Scroll Commands: https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/do...
ScrollView Button Sample: https://apl.ninja/MarkTucker/scroll-v...
You will learn various ways to control scrolling as well as a limitation of the ScrollView component.